
Om mig

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Gift med Ewa, pappa till Sofie och Åsa, kirurg på St Görans sjukhus i Stockholm

måndag, december 07, 2015


Fredrika Ek cyklar jorden runt på 1000 dagar, för tillfället är hon i Tibet. All den skönhet, kärlek och omtanke hon möts av överallt känns som balsam på såret  för den som vadar i girighet, rädslor och hot.

Sometimes I get the feeling of having ended up on a different planet from the one I thought I was on. So much is going on right now. News and people I talk to at home paint a picture of a world going up in flames. One of bottomless misery. And I’ve never had a more difficult time to relate.
There is chaos and a darkness beyond belief, there is no denying that. But there is also love, light and good. Everywhere. In the most remote corners of the world. There is people who seemingly have nothing, who without as much as blinking an eye will give a complete stranger everything. I don’t need anyone to lift a finger for me. But people do. They carry the world for me, for no apparent reason. And they do it in a way that make it difficult so for me to understand how in the world this wouldn’t also work the other way around.
I’m the girl who needs nothing, but still receives it all from people who, with our standards, don’t have squat to give. Then I open the news apps. To read about how us lottery winners with all the wealth in the world deny less lucky people sheer survival. Then I close them. And roll straight into the open arms of another Tibetan grandmother who’ve decided to make me family before even knowing my name. The absurdity is just beyond.
I really don’t have anything well articulated to say about this. Especially not in English. But fact is, that the world I am in right now is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. And being inside this bubble of unconditional goodness, I just can’t see anything else than that in the end – all will be good. It has to be.

The Bikeramble

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