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Gift med Ewa, pappa till Sofie och Åsa, kirurg på St Görans sjukhus i Stockholm

söndag, september 18, 2011

Varning för invandring (10)

Känner mig inte färdig med frågan om invandring och kriminalitet.
Här följer ett sammandrag av en färsk studie från Stockholms universitet.
För att vara texten trogen har jag avstått från att översätta den.

Crime as a price for inequality  ?
The delinquency gap between children of immigrants and children of native swedes.
Martin Hällsten, et al
Dept of Sociology,  Stockholm University
SULCIS Working Paper 2011:1
(inequality - ojämlikhet, delinquency - brottslighet)

The dataset used in the analysis includes all individuals in the larger Stockholm metropolitan area who attende and finished ninth degree in the compulsatory school between 1990 and 1993 (66,330 individuals) and whos parents immigrated at least five years prior t this date.

In our analyses we use six outcome variables measured in 2005, when the individuals studied were 28 to 31 years old.
For each individual the dataset contains information about sex, country (or region) of birth, age at immigration and a wide range of parenteral characterisitcs.

Methodolocially we adopt a ”premarket design” where all explanatory variables are (1)measured before the criminal career and (2) measured as characteristics of individuals social origin (charactersitics of parents and neighberhoods) rather than characteristics of individuals themselves in order to avoid endogeneity of explanatory variables. In contrast, the only Swedish study addressing the contribution of socioeconomic factors to immigrant-swedish differencies in crime (BRÅ 2005) measure explanatory variables such as education and earning for the index individual after recording crimes, which for obvious reason is plagued with endogeinity – suspected and convicted individuals can be criminal because they have low earnings/low education or have low earnings/ low education because they are criminal, especially after after the sentence or conviction, and the scientific contribution of such designs are limited.

The overarching aim of the paper is to assess how much of the differences in delinquency between young people in immigrant background and young people of swedish background that can be attributed to inequality in socio-economic resources.

To sum it up, it appears that even though immigrants overrepresentation in recorded crimes and esepcially seroius crimes is vast, most of the inequality in crime can be explained by parents resources and neighberhood segregation.
The longer the immigrant has stayed in Sweden, the lower is the the over representation in suspicions and convictions.

Ethenicity plays a limited role in generating crime. The raw ethnic correlations are very small and adjusting them to account for shared family and neighborhood circumstances makes them miniscule. This means that the sum of stable culture and context of exit experience are comparatively unimportant factors in the generation of crime aming immigrants in Sweden.

We can conclude that that the bulk of the difference in recorded crime between immigrants and Swedes (or at least children of immigrant and swedes), contrary to what has been previously suggested in the research, can be explained by variables such as the family and neighborhood resources.

Svårt att inte ta intryck.

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